Tourniquet Training
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Lone Star Survival


Tourniquet Training


Come out a Learn

This year between October 10th and 20th we’ll have____ events in ____ communities across the country. We’d love to teach you and your family. Find out about where we’ll be in you neighborhood on the Local Events page.

Volunteer at a local event

Interested in being a part of the 2019 events? We’re looking for enthusiastic health care providers and health professions students to be volunteer educators in their communities. Please reach out to us on the Get Involved page and indicate where you’d like to volunteer. We’ll connect you with the city level leadership who can get you plugged in.



Start an event in your city

LSS is always constantly growing! If you’re a medical student or faculty member at a medical school who’s interested in bringing an event to your area, please send us a message through out Get Involved page. We’re excited to work with new groups and would love to hear from you!